Slovak Limited Liability company formation
Are you going into business with multiple partners? Or do you want to go it alone, but want to appear credible and professional to business partners and clients? Then set up a limited liability company when you move to Slovakia. A limited liability company is the most common type of company set up in Slovakia and also the most popular.
In order to start your business online or to provide your services or sell your products in a brick-and-mortar shop, our company will help you to set up a Slovak limited liability company (s.r.o.).
Slovak company formation will take place by discussing with you your requirements for Slovak company formation and preparing all the necessary documents for company formation. We will then register your limited liability company in the commercial register, the trade register and the tax office.
From the time of signing the documents to incorporation, it usually takes 10-14 working days to set up a company.
Ready Made companies in Slovakia
Ready Made companies are companies that an entrepreneur can purchase directly. These companies have no assets or outstanding liabilities. This formation of Slovak company is an ideal choice for entrepreneurs who need to have a company ready in a very short period of time. You can be doing business in a new company in just a few hours.
If you want to become the owner of a new limited liability company, you just need to sign the share transfer agreement and the minutes of the general meeting. At this point, you or a person authorised by you also become the new managing director of the company. You can immediately start to carry out the activity of your choice in the company and you do not have to wait for the registration of the changes in the commercial register. The entry in the commercial register is only confirmatory.
Slovak Branch Office formation
Establishing a branch in Slovakia is the most suitable option if a foreign company wants to start business in Slovakia. It is an ideal form of doing business for smaller projects in Slovakia. Establishing and closing a branch office is a significantly easier process than establishing or closing a separate company. In the case of the establishment of branches, the principle applies that the parent company is fully liable for the obligations of the branch.
If you need to set up a branch office for your successful start in business, please consult with us about your requirements for setting up a branch office. We will work with you to prepare all the necessary documents for the establishment of the branch and register your company not only in the commercial and trade register, but also with the tax office.
Slovak Joint Stock Company formation
A joint stock company is a Slovak company formation, which represents the most prestigious way of doing business in Slovakia. It is the optimal choice if you are doing business with several partners or if you are doing business alone and you want to behave professionally towards your business partners and customers.
Registered office in Slovakia
A registered office in Slovakia is a solution of Slovak company formation especially for business companies that cannot rent their own office space. Our experts provide Registered Office for Rent service at various addresses in Bratislava.
The establishment and operation of your own registered office is done in accordance with all legislative regulations.
The services of our experts are mainly sought by entrepreneurs who have foreign owners. Even Slovak entrepreneurs who are not from Bratislava use the subsidies for obtaining a registered office in Bratislava.
Establishing a registered office in Bratislava gives the customer a better impression of the company. Our services also include the receipt and storage of mail.